Sunday, May 16, 2010

1 Year

Believe it or not it's been a yr since I left Shanghai and came back to Toronto. Well technically, Friday was exactly a yr but I didn't have time to post that day. Sometimes in life you have moments of time where you just go - WTF and this year has definitely been one of those for me. I just don't know where the last year even went to be honest...a couple of mths yes but a whole year! Some moments it feels like my life in Shanghai was a million years ago and then others it feels like it was just last wk.

I'll be real I'm not completely happy w/ the progress I've made in a lot of things...including my career which is partially why I just keep going IT'S BEEN A YEAR!?! I hate when I feel like time has been wasted and I definitely feel there was some wasted time this year and I didn't do everything I could to push myself forward the way I want.

But you know what...I really feel I've turned a lot of things around these past couple of mths and I am making a strong effort to get where I want. I feel more at ease w/ things and how they are progressing and I actually feel I'm headed in the right direction now.

When I first came back it felt like it took forever to get the ball rolling on shoots w/ photographers and the planning was taking mths. But now I have two stories coming out in a mth or so and I have two other stories I'm waiting to be edited that I can't wait to share w/ you. My wedding website is finally up and running and I'm getting a good response from it already. My hair skills have really improved these past few mths and I'm really getting a lot more confident w/ it.

So if I learned one thing this past year it's that I need to stop looking to the past and dwelling on mistakes or missed opportunities. This year my goal is to look forward and to take and make all the opportunities I can.


yui said...

Hi! I'm behind you.
Good luck!

Unknown said...

get it girl !

Farah said...

Great new site jessica :) You have inspired me to work on my hair skills its so important in this biz i find.

Keep up the amazing work

Amy V said...

keep your chin up girl. You are a true artist :)